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By Heather Cameron
Vauxhall Advance
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
The following are selected briefs from the Town of Vauxhall Council meeting that took place on Nov. 4.
Bylaw No. 1000-24 Bylaw
Enforcement Officers – All
Council reviewed an up-to-date version of Bylaw No. 1000-24 Bylaw Enforcement Officers, which is required by Section 556 of the Municipal Government Act to specify the powers and duties of Bylaw Enforcement Officers, and establish disciplinary procedures for misuse of powers, penalties, and appeal processes. Ultimately, Councillor Deleeuw made a motion that Council approve first reading for Bylaw No. 1000-24 Bylaw Enforcement Officers and the motion was carried. Deputy Mayor Forchuk then made a motion that Council approve second reading for Bylaw No. 1000-24 Bylaw Enforcement Officers and the motion was carried. Councillor Norris then made a motion that Council approve third and final reading on Bylaw No. 1000-24 Bylaw Enforcement Officers and the motion was carried. Finally, Deputy Mayor Forchuk made a motion that Council give Bylaw No. 1000-24 third and final reading and the motion was carried.
Bylaw No. 1001-24 Council Code of Conduct
Council reviewed an amended Bylaw No. 1001-24 Council Code of Conduct, a bylaw that establishes a code governing the conduct of members of Council committees, and other bodies established by Council who are not Councillors.
Bylaw No. 1001-24 Council Code of Conduct establishes that councilors have a duty to adhere to the code of conduct established by the council and live by the highest standards of conduct, standards that members of the public who elect them are entitled to expect of them. Bylaw No. 1001-24 also establishes that a code of conduct is consistent with the principles of transparent and accountable government.
Councillor Norris gave a motion that Council give first reading to Bylaw No. 1001-24 and the motion was carried. Deputy Mayor Forchuk also made a motion that Council give second reading to Bylaw No. 1001-24 and the motion was carried.
Following second reading, Council elected to table third reading pending further review of the bylaw.
Vauxhall Public Library
Council discussed how Vauxhall Public Library prepared and submitted their 2025 Budget and Plan of Service for 2025-2028 to Council per Bylaw # 808, which states that prior to December 1st of each year, the library must prepare a budget and estimate of money required and manage the library for Council’s approval. A motion was made to accept as information the Vauxhall Public Library’s 2025 budget and Plan of Service for 2025-2028.
M.D. of Taber Council Appointments
Council reviewed correspondence sent to them by Arlos Crofts, Chief Administrative Officer for the M.D. of Taber, that stated that at the M.D. of Taber’s Organizational Meeting on October 22, 2024, certain Councillors from the M.D. of Taber were appointed to represent the M.D. of Taber on certain boards and committees.
In the correspondence, Crofts stated that Councillor Murray Reynolds and Councillor Chantal Claasen were appointed to the Vauxhall Regional Fire Authority. Crofts also stated that Deputy Reeve John DeGroot, Councillor Reynolds, and Councillor Claasen were appointed to the Vauxhall and District Regional Water Services Commission. Finally, Crofts stated that Deputy Reeve DeGroot, Councillor Reynolds, and Councillor Claasen were appointed to the Vauxhall Intermunicipal Development Plan and the Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework Committee.
The term of the appointments, Crofts stated, will extend to the Organizational Meeting in 2025 when either a reappointment or new appointments will be made. At that time, Crofts stated, Vauxhall Town Council will be advised accordingly.
A motion was made to receive the correspondence for information and the motion was carried.
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