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By Heather Cameron
Vauxhall Advance
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
During a recent M.D. of Taber Council meeting, Administration brought a Request for Decision before Council regarding Bylaw No. 2008 Lakeview Drive Area Structure Plan with the recommendation that the M.D. of Taber give first reading and proceed with the public notification process for a Public Hearing to be held.
Bonnie Brunner, Senior Planner with ORRSC, then explained the proposed subdivision is located at Lot 1, Block 2, Plan 0714379 in NW 21-9-16-W4 just to the west of Horsefly Reservoir, and the existing parcel contains 14 acres and is currently zoned Grouped Country Residential.
“The applicant is proposing to subdivide the parcel into three similarly sized lots or group country residential development and is required to prior to submitting a subdivision application to obtain an approved Area Structure Plan,” said Brunner. “The area was rezoned to Group Country Residential without the benefit of an Area Structure Plan and at the time of the subdivision that created this parcel, there was a requirement that any subsequent subdivision occur with the benefit of an Area Structure Plan, so that is what is before you here today.”
The application, Brunner stated, was deemed complete for the consideration of proceeding with Council’s consideration of first reading.
Ultimately, Councillor John Turcato made a motion that the M.D. of Taber give first reading to Bylaw No. 2008 Lakeview Drive Area Structure Plan and proceed with the public notification process.
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