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From Aug. 30 to Sept. 2, Alberta RCMP conducted enhanced traffic safety enforcement across the province, resulting in 1,982 traffic safety infractions.
Of the 1,982 tickets issued, 990 were for speeding, 35 for distracted driving, and 55 were issued for not wearing a seatbelt.
Additionally, 92 drug or alcohol impaired drivers were removed from the roads. Unfortunately, due to road-related incidents, there were two fatal motor vehicle collisions resulting in three deaths.
“Most traffic-related tragedies are avoidable, and we are reminded of this every long weekend. We want everyone to get home safely. Avoiding distracted and impaired driving goes a long way to making that happen,” says Sgt. Darrin Turnbull of Alberta RCMP Traffic.
The Alberta RCMP wants to remind everyone that there is no reason to get behind the wheel if you are impaired. If road conditions are unfavourable, consider delaying your travel until they improve, and always give yourself adequate time to get where you are going.
Traffic safety is everyone’s responsibility. Phone 911 if you observe dangerous driving. For more traffic safety information, follow us on Facebook @RCMPinAlberta and X @RCMPAlberta
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