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Vauxhall Advance
The following are selected briefs of the Regional Community Standards Unit’s monthly report for February 2024. The report was prepared by Cst.(s) Cobe Cobarrubias and Brandon Demers.
During February 2024 there were 39 bylaw-related calls for service. These 39 complaints were comprised of 33 Town of Taber complaints, and 6 MD of Taber bylaw complaints. In total, 21 provincial violation tickets were issued, and one Town of Taber bylaw ticket.
M.D. of Taber
For the MD of Taber, there were 6 calls for service, 2 were dog at large calls, 1 unwanted dog, 1 parking complaint, 1 traffic complaint, 1 Service Tracker Request.
• Dog at large: One dog was taken to Lost Paws, the subsequent fees were paid. The dog owner was warned as they had no prior occurrences regarding having their dogs at large. We were unable to locate the other dog at large.
• Unwanted Dogs: A dog and puppies wandered onto a farmer’s property and the puppies were returned to the owner. The owner was warned for having them off their property.
• Parking complaint: We received a complaint about a possible abandoned vehicle. The owner was identified, and the car was moved.
• Service Tracker: A request to remove and identify the owner of a deceased dog from the side of the road. The owner was identified, and the dog was removed.
• Traffic Offence: A call about some teenagers driving a quad on Highway 3 in Grassy Lake was investigated. The teenagers were unable to be identified.
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