Current Temperature
By Cole Parkinson
Vauxhall Advance
With the Municipal District of Taber setting their Annual General Meeting on April 27 at the Grassy Lake Community Hall, council still had to finalize the agenda. From previous discussions, potential topics for the upcoming AGM could be a 2021 financial overview, an update of infrastructure projects, water consumption, Rural Crime Watch/RCMP, Land Use Bylaw Project, RenuWell project update, strategic plan review, economic development, voluntary business directory, beautification grant, rural broadband strategy update, and a regional fire service presentation.
“I think we should flush it out a bit more of what we would like administration to help prepare for us as we enter that meeting. Also, to seek input on if you think those topics should be included or changed as we move forward. That meeting is coming up quick,” said Deputy Reeve Tamara Miyanaga at the M.D.’s regular meeting held on March 8.
Others also weighed in on what they wanted to bring forward to the AGM. While many liked the initial list of topics, some changes were suggested.
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