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M.D. of Taber council meeting briefs from Sept. 24

Posted on October 3, 2024 by Vauxhall Advance

By Heather Cameron
Vauxhall Advance
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The following are selected briefs from the M.D. of Taber Council meeting that took place on September 24.

Announcements and Recognitions 

Reeve Tamara Miyanaga made mention of the day’s Barnwell/Taber Food Drive and the importance of leaving a bag of food on the step. 

A motion was made to approve the announcements and recognitions and carried.

RCMP Report

Sergeant Stewart Gemmill from the Taber/Vauxhall RCMP Detachment provided the statistics report for July and August 2024.

Sergeant Gemmill began by stating that during those two months, the detachment responded to 444 calls for service, with 391 of those being within the M.D. of Taber, 13 in Barnwell, and 40 in Vauxhall. The detachment, Sergeant Gemmill stated, also got four impaired drivers off the road, had 10 reports of Criminal Code violations, 57 9-1-1 hang-ups with 50 in the M.D. of Taber, 3 in Barnwell, and 4 in Vauxhall, and eight fingerprint checks for the general public.

In terms of patrols, Sergeant Gemmill stated, the detachment conducted 47 patrols of Barnwell, 61 patrols of Vauxhall, 16 patrols of Enchant, 49 patrols of Grassy Lake, 19 patrols of Hays, 6 patrols of the M.D. Park, 2 patrols of the Forks Campground, 10 patrols of Enchant Campground, 3 patrols of Chin Campground, and 0 patrols of both Hays and Grassy Lake Campgrounds.

There were 125 violation tickets written within the M.D. of Taber, Sergeant Gemmill explained, one in Barnwell, and six in Vauxhall, with 151 violation tickets written by Taber RCMP and 9 written by Lethbridge/Redcliff/Brooks ITU, making a total of 160 violation tickets.

Sergeant Gemmill also provided Council with a look at the Provincial Crime Gauge, reporting that Persons Crimes is down by 21 per cent, Property Crime is up by 34 per cent, Other Criminal Code Violations are down by 23 per cent, but there is a five per cent increase of total Criminal Code Offenses when compared to January to August 2023. Sergeant Gemmill also stated that there were four more instances of break and entering, 6 more instances of Theft of Motor Vehicles, and 2 more instances or Theft Under $5,000.

The Detachment, Sergeant Gemmill stated, laid charges in eight criminal investigations during the months of July and August. There were also six complaints of domestic violence made to the Detachment in the months of July and August, and charges were laid where evidence of an offence existed, and all available supports were also provided to the victims, Sergeant Gemmill added.

 Sergeant Gemmill also reported that on July 1 Constable Gallant attended and lead the Parade for the Town of Vauxhall’s annual celebration. On July 7, he, Constable McGregor and Constable Livingston conducted a boat patrol of Sherburne Lake, checking five boats for sobriety, and to ensure they had the proper equipment for the activity they were participating in. On July 20, Constable Gallant attended and lead the Parade for Barnwell Days. Constable Turco attended the Eagle Spirit Nest Community Association’s performance and teepee raising on behalf of the Taber/Vauxhall RCMP Detachment and also made himself available to attendees and conversed with others in attendance.

Council commented that there have been quite a few instances of theft in the Vauxhall area lately with alot of Ag equipment seeming to be the target of it. Also, Sergeant Gemmill responded that there were charges laid in several instances, due to the efforts of the Property Crimes Unit that is based in Calgary. Council also wanted to know if there was anything the M.D. could to do advocate for farmers and help promote awareness and safety. In addition to that, Council also expressed appreciation for the RCMP’s presence at community events and considered it both positive and important.

A motion was made to receive the RCMP report as presented, and the motion was carried.

Councillor Harris Highlights

Councillor Harris shared with Council that 22 contractors and subcontractors attended a mandatory site meeting for Phase Three of the Horsefly Spillway Project and four contractors actually bid on the project. Approval for tender prices were exceptionally good, Councillor Harris stated.

AgKnow Funding Request – Request for Decision

Agricultural Services brought a Request for Decision to Council regarding a $2,000 bridge funding request from AgKnow with the Alberta Farm Mental Health Network Program, a request that AgKnow Program Director Linda Hunt had outlined in a presentation to Council and information that the M.D. of Taber Agricultural Services Board presented at their board meeting on August 6, 2024. A resolution was made then to recommend the bridge funding donation to Council for consideration. AgKnow, Agricultural Services explained, was established as a direct response to a 2019 Provincial ASB resolution aimed at addressing mental health on farms and ranches across Alberta and provides services such as a free counselling pilot program, suicide prevention training, and crisis recovery support. The grant funding that supported AgKnow has ended, Agricultural Services explained, and they are anticipating funding in the future, but have not yet received confirmation. Due to those circumstances, Agricultural Services explained, AgKnow is seeking a $2000 donation to help them bridge the gap between their grant funding opportunities.

Ultimately, a motion was made that Council approve a $2,000 bridge funding donation to AgKnow with the Alberta Farm Mental Health Network program and the motion was carried.

AgKnow Advocacy

Tamara Miyanaga, Reeve for the M.D. of Taber, emphasized to Council that AgKnow is a very important program and with the upcoming RMA convention and other fall meetings comes an opportunity to advocate for funding for AgKnow. Council, Reeve Miyanaga stated, can also draft a letter of support for AgKnow, which was mentioned by AgKnow Program Director Linda Hunt during her presentation about AgKnow and what it had to offer. A motion was then made that Council direct Administration to arrange a meeting with the Minister of Ag and Irrigation at the fall RMA convention and that Administration also draft a letter of support to the Ministries outlining Linda Hunt’s presentation advocating for additional funding for AgKnow. The motion was carried.

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