Current Temperature
By Brylan Span
Vauxhall Advance
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
The following are selected briefs from the M.D. of Taber Council meeting that took place on Feb. 13.
Reeve Miyanaga and Council thanked and recognized Richard Willis for his many years of service to the MD of Taber as a district grader operator, and congratulated him on his retirement. Willis has served the Hays/Vauxhall area since May of 2011.
Deputy Reeve DeGroot recognized Reeve Miyanaga’s and Councillor Harris’s attendance and comments at the State of the Region Event hosted on February 10th at the Taber Community Center. MP Martin Shields and MLA Grant Hunter were also in attendance at the event.
Members of the Eagle Spirit Nest Community association came to the MD looking for support for their upcoming powwow.
In a letter to the M.D. Eagle Spirit Nest stated “We are hoping that the M.D. of Taber would be willing to contribute to the operational budget to help cover the cost of Elders, announcers, head staff and other important personnel. This event will be free of charge and will be open to the public. We will celebrate the richness of Indigenous dancers, drummers, and artisans, while offering a place for non-Indigenous people to experience and learn.”
“The Special Pow-Wow traditional Multi-Cultural Event will be a huge benefit to Taber and Area. As well as the very large Economic Boost as a spin off from this Pow-Wow will be massive considering the One Thousand plus expected individuals planned to be in attendance. “
A motion was made and carried that the Eagle Spirit Nest Correspondence information was received, and a request be presented at the February 27th Council meeting for further discussion and consideration.
Audit Review
Council accepted the 2023 COR Audit Score and Results as presented. They received a score of 93 per cent. Incident Investigation received the highest score with 100 per cent, with Hazard Assessment being the lowest score at 81 per cent. Council was pleased with the results but know that they can always strive to improve the numbers.
Purchases/ Funding
Council approved the purchase of five half tonne trucks from McDonald Chevrolet for the purchase price of $302,071.20. The approved capital budget for the purchase of five pickups is $379,000.
Council approved the additional expenditure of $200 for the approved 2024 capital purchase of a 6’ no-till drill, with the total purchase price to $26,200 and that the purchase be awarded to Palliser Sales.
Council approved a funding contribution to the Farm Safety Centre in the amount of $2,916 to aid in farm safety education in schools within the municipality.
Donation Request
Council approved a $5,000 donation to the Hays Cemetery Committee in response to their application to the Municipal District of Taber Donations to Community Organizations, Programs, Events & Activities Policy.
Library Partnership
Council approved partnering with the Enchant Community Library in application to the Community Foundation of Lethbridge and Southwestern Alberta Grant Program, including entering into a intermediary agreement with the Enchant Community Library as a fiscal partner and providing a letter of support for their project that is focused on renovations and upgrades to the front of the Enchant Library funding.
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