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Discussions continuing around M.D. Tax Penalty Bylaw

Posted on March 16, 2022 by Vauxhall Advance

By Cole Parkinson
Vauxhall Advance

The discussion to change the tax collection date at the Municipal District of Taber has been ongoing for several years to this point and moving the date to earlier in the year is still being talked about. At council’s regular meeting on Feb. 22, the Tax Penalty Bylaw was in front of councillors for more discussion. At the moment, the M.D. levies and mails property tax notices in May or June of each year and current taxes must be paid on or before Nov. 15 to avoid a five per cent penalty. All taxes remaining unpaid after Dec. 31 of each year have a penalty of 12 per cent applied to the outstanding amount.

“Beginning in February 2023, a penalty included in the bylaw with the deadline of January 31, a 12 per cent penalty on February 1, a three per cent penalty on October 1, and a three per cent penalty on December 1. In the bylaw, the 2022 penalty date remains at any taxes due not paid after November 15, on November 16 they would get a five per cent penalty. Effectively, what this bylaw does is the penalty date remains in 2022 on November 15. It delays the penalty on all the arrears from being applied at the beginning of 2203 on January 1 and delays it until February 1, 2023. After 2023, the penalty dates will be, if the bylaw is passed, October 1 three per cent, December 1 three per cent, and then continue to carry on the same cycle each year after,” explained Bryan Badura, director of Corporate Services.

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