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September 21, 2024 September 21, 2024


Creating partnerships key to building more affordable homes

Posted on September 28, 2023

Affordability and access to housing are concerns that are top of mind for Albertans province-wide. The rising cost of living, higher interest rates, and increasing… Read More »

What happened? 

Posted on September 21, 2023

Written in Canada’s Parliament building the Bible verse “Even if I settle on the far side of the Sea there your hand will guide me”.… Read More »

UCP policy reversals costing taxpayers

Posted on August 31, 2023

Dear Editor: Re: U. C. P. reversal of private medical lab testing  Another U.C.P. reversal, the latest in a long line of policy reversals, is… Read More »

Re: July 25 essay by Professor Newell of Carleton University —“Why NATO must continue to support Ukraine”

Posted on August 11, 2023

Dear Editor,  Thank you for printing Professor Newell’s essay. It is highly informative and useful for anyone wanting to appraise the responses by Canada and… Read More »

TB an ever-present global threat

Posted on August 3, 2023

TB continues to be the most deadly overlooked infectious disease, killing 1.6 million people a year. Overlooked to the point that a new vaccine for… Read More »

One vaccine for a century

Posted on July 27, 2023

In the aftermath of World War One, humankind was going through a rough time of deadly diseases such as Tuberculosis and various pandemics. Good enough,… Read More »

A tribute to our Moms

Posted on July 13, 2023

Motherhood, Mom’s the most precious of all occupations. So many memories, first as a kid, when I came home with a bloody knee, beat up,… Read More »

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