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Dear Editor,
My 32 year career with the Royal Bank and working for 22 years in rural Alberta has left me shocked to see that Rural Albertans are still willing to let Danielle Smith put their lives at risk, why ? It’s no secret that there is nothing conservative about Smith, she is a Reformer, Right-wing extremists, who deliberately destroys everything conservatives have created to benefit the people like the former conservative MLAs taught me when Lougheed’s energy minister Bill Dickie was a brother in-law of one of my uncles. If suggesting that her UCP party start charging User Fees to access our healthcare system, and sell off our hospitals isn’t bad enough, she found it smart to insult 75% of Albertans who dared to get vaccinated, comparing us to Nazis. Many of us seniors, after receiving 4 or 5 shots tested positive for Covid and we know the shots likely saved our lives, while those who refused to get vaccinated are dead, proving how ignorant Smith is. The big question is are you going to allow her to destroy your healthcare system and put your lives at risk, or are you going to help us kick her out? Doctors are right when they state that her privatization scheme will make it impossible to recruit doctors and nurses in rural Alberta when they can make more money in private -for -profit hospitals and clinics in the cities she wants to create, and we know they are right, don’t you?
Alan K. Spiller, Edmonton
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