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NDP: Notley makes buying a home more affordable by cancelling PC mortgage tax hike

Posted on April 21, 2015

Today, Rachel Notley announced that the NDP will help homebuyers and cancel Jim Prentice’s staggering 600 percent increase to the Mortgage Tax. “Families are worried… Read More »

PCs: Prentice plan will protect energy-sector jobs and strengthen economy

Posted on April 21, 2015

Progressive Conservative Leader Jim Prentice said today that his fiscal plan will put Alberta jobs and the economy on a stronger footing, both in the… Read More »

PCs: Where are Brian Jean’s “experts?”

Posted on April 21, 2015

Last week, after PC Alberta candidates exposed the Wildrose platform’s deficiency of $29 billion, Wildrose leader Brian Jean made a bold claim. From the Calgary… Read More »

NDP: Rachel Notley’s NDP team ready to stand up for Albertans

Posted on April 21, 2015

New Democrats have put forward a strong slate of 87 candidates. “Albertans can trust that members of my team will always be in their corner,”… Read More »

PCs: Prentice plan will put Alberta’s financial future on track

Posted on April 21, 2015

Today in Lethbridge, Progressive Conservative leader Jim Prentice outlined both the immediate and long-term actions in his plan that will protect and create jobs, cut… Read More »

Wildrose: Prentice PCs are the ones playing games with savings and spending claims

Posted on April 21, 2015

The Prentice PCs are desperate to fool Albertans into thinking the Wildrose plan to balance the budget without raising taxes doesn’t work. They’re desperate because… Read More »

NDP: Notley to introduce Infrastructure Sunshine List

Posted on April 21, 2015

Today, NDP Leader Rachel Notley announced her plan to end political interference in Alberta’s infrastructure priorities list and protect frontline public services from Jim Prentice’s… Read More »

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