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IMR projects reviewed by Horizon board of trustees

Posted on June 17, 2021 by Vauxhall Advance

By Cole Parkinson
Vauxhall Advance

With the newest edition of the budget set, Horizon school board of trustees also had to review a handful of Infrastructure Maintenance and Renewal (IMR) funding projects.

In total, 10 schools made project requests for IMR funding, which was presented to the trustees at their regular meeting on May 31. 

Within the project list is a contingency of $100,000 which is an allowance for emergent items such as failed boilers, water heaters, furnaces, sewer system failures, urgent health/safety requirements, urgent barrier-free requirements, HAZMAT abatement items etc

•Arden T. Litt (request by admin) – replace flooring in corridor, office and distance learning space. $6,000 (could postpone)

•Central School (request by school admin/facilities) – upgrade the lighting in classrooms and common spaces to LED. Corridors and gym were previously completed. $65,000 (could postpone)

•Chamberlain School (request by school admin) – add hard surface to the West side of the facility. The existing surface is gravel. Providing a hard surface aids in water mitigation and can be achieved utilizing a combination of concrete and paving stone. $47,000 (could postpone)

•Dr Hamman School (Facilities request) – re-grade the entire East side of the complex, add drainage infrastructure and hard surface path (1.5 metres utilizing concrete). Replace a small section of existing concrete near the main entrance. $65,000 (could postpone)

•Enchant School (request by facilities and school admin) – complete roofing replacement of the 1953 and 2001 section (1,461 metres in total) $515,000 (Capital and Maintenance Renewal funding). Convert computer lab to a learning commons space. Remove electrical/data and replace with standard power. $26,000 (could postpone)

•Hays School (request by school admin) – Upgrade gym lighting to LED. The remainder of the school was previously completed. $9,000

•Horizon MAP (request by school admin) – erect wall complete with 10’ glass opening to create two smaller classrooms in the current space. Project to include provisions for proper ventilation. $40,000

•Vauxhall Elementary School (request by school admin) – replace corridor flooring between the modular classrooms. Previously requested but deferred. $45,000 (could postpone)

•Vauxhall High School (request by school admin) – Added drainage on the East entrance near the gym. Concrete has settled and slopes toward the building. $16,000

•W.R. Myers High School/D.A. Ferguson Middle School (facilities) – Seal exterior structural columns around the Myers/Ferguson gym and the 1967 section. $55,000

The total expected IMR expenditure would total $989,000, while the total allocation given to Horizon is $754,806.

The Enchant School roof was also explained a bit more in detail to the board as it would see CMR funding.

“The biggest item on this list is the replacement of the roof for the Enchant School. It comes out to about $515,000,” said Bruce Francis, vice-chair. “We don’t know for sure it that will be approved. We have to apply before the end of December of 2021. We will know in February if it gets approved. If it does get approved, it will not be included in this IMR schedule, it will be a separate item. The items that are on the side that say ‘could postpone’, they will be included. If it gets approved, those items will be in the IMR for 2021-22. If that gets approved, we will actually be able to carry over $250,000 into the next year’s IMR.”

A motion to approve the list of IMR projects was carried unanimously by the board.

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