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Vauxhall Water Services Commission takes action on discolouration

Posted on July 25, 2024 by Vauxhall Advance

By Heather Cameron
Vauxhall Advance
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

On July 14, the Vauxhall and District Regional Water Services Commission staff received a report of water discolouration.

Arlos Crofts, Chief Administrative Officer for the M.D. of Taber, says that the Vauxhall and District Regional Water Services Commission operators, and staff from the Town of Vauxhall and the MD of Taber are involved in addressing the situation. 

“Additional testing was promptly conducted in the town of Vauxhall and at the treatment plant to confirm the issue,” said Crofts. “Adjustments were made at the plant to address the discolouration, and daily testing has shown a positive trend with reduced discolouration. The response included adjustments at the treatment plant to address the discolouration and daily testing to monitor the water quality. The Town of Vauxhall has completed flushing the mains within town limits, while MD of Taber staff are currently flushing the mains in the Hamlets of Enchant and Hays. Residents experienced water discolouration, but the water continues to meet the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality, environmental, and safety standards for drinking water and is safe to drink.”

The issue, Crofts says, has also been reported to Alberta Environment and water specialists.

Crofts says that the additional and regular testing indicated an increase in manganese levels, while all other parameters remain stable. The likely cause, Crofts says, is the transition between raw water sources, which introduced organic material into the system, but this material has since cleared.

“The Town of Vauxhall and MD of Taber staff are flushing the mains to further mitigate the issue. Regular updates have been provided to residents, informing them that the water is safe to drink, and the situation is being addressed,” said Crofts. “We thank residents for their patience and understanding as we work to resolve this issue. We are committed to maintaining high standards for water quality and will continue to monitor the situation closely. The Commission is actively working to resolve the issue and appreciates the residents’ patience and understanding. We are committed to ensuring the water quality remains within the required standards.”

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